Sunday, March 23, 2014


You know that you like someone
when you started thinking
Thinking things that you two
only exist.

And when you finally have time 
and moment with someone
Nothing really happens,
all of your daydreams falls apart.

You're like, hey me, what's your problem,
This is what you really want right,
to be with that person
Yet, you have no courage to make
things do happen.

And that, when the Universe will finally
help you, you ask for it,
then the Universe will give it to you.

Finally, you have your moment, 
a brief and unforgettable one.
Not intimate, but, what a young lad wants,
playing and laughing and being overjoyed.
That particular Moment will last for a long time.

That's the relationship i want was,
being overjoy for a candy, running,
winning a childish game, doing something you've fear of,
cause you know, you have the strength to do it.
That's the universe gave to you.
A moment.

Lastly, you've grown up
Bidding bye-bye is very rare,
you're lucky enough if you can.
And when that things happen,
let your body and mind flow the Moment
Universe, given upon with you.
Make a Hug

Thursday, March 6, 2014

All I Wanted

I wanted to live,
with my dog.
having a house,
with my dog.

I wanted to
live alone,
having your best friend
and meeting your significant other.

Living a life,
i wanted,
's really a hard thing
to work with.

life I wanted,
's all i can
ever do,
to make me feel
living my Life.